From Jackals To Lions - The Path to Healthy Masculinity: Guiding Conscious Men towards Self-Transformation

How to speak out your truth in a respectful way without losing your dignity

Tente Episode 9

Nowadays free speech is being challenged in an attempt to be oppressed and taken away from our rights as human beings. But how is this showing a common pattern in our daily lives? Why others believe shuts us off, and make us take a choice to not speak our truth. We surrender to their beliefs and judgments for the only reason of avoiding a negative reaction.  In order to not fall into the role of a slave it is our responsibility to step up for our own voice, and learn how to speak up while still living in society and respecting others' opinions.

For any human free speech is a foundational right, however, even when we are given the right to do so it does not mean we are claiming this right as ours. We usually do not dare to speak our truth out of fear of what others' opinions may be regarding our words. This attitude has a clear impact on our daily lives, and nowadays is where we can see how easily people's freedom to speak up can be manipulated to serve corporations' views and interests.

In this episode, I will be sharing how confidence, masculinity, and speaking out the truth are interconnected and relate to each other. When you are a sheep, it says much more about you than what you might believe.

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